So, Bookpool is out of business? Like many fans, I am not sure about what's going on and if it's true or someting! Searching the key words like "Bookpool out of business" in Google doesn't get quite much positive or useful result, maybe I am a bad keywords chooser.
One of the Bookpool fans said that "Bookpool is simply THE place to go for technical books."
I agree with that. Although I did not bought quite amount of tech books, but there are around half of my tech books were bought from Bookpool instead of Amazon.
It's a pity that Bookpool may never be there. One of the fans said "I was at the Bookpool warehouse a week or two ago and they were in the process of closing down. They were selling their [empty] metal shelves even as I was shopping. I was able to talk to the owner and it is unclear whether the closure is permanent or temporary. The owner did not know whether would stays closed, reopens or opens in a new form and how long it would take to make that decision." (adopted from here).
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